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Bill Finch - Funeral arrangementsNew!
A message from Bridget Finch:

Hello Everyone,

Mark, Sue and I have now made arrangements for Bill's funeral and the details are as follows:-

The service will take place on Tuesday, 19th February, 2013, at West Herts Crematorium, High Elms Lane, Garston, Watford WD25 0JS at 12 noon in the large chapel

We do hope that you will be able to attend this celebration of his life and we invite you to join us afterwards at Manor House Sports and Social Centre, Gallows Hill Lane/Popes Road, Abbots Langley, WD5 0DD, where we can gather to raise a glass or two to Bill and share our many fond memories of him.

Please could you pass these details on to anybody who you think would like to attend.

Family flowers only, but if you wish to give a donation we know Bill would have liked this to benefit his beloved Chorleywood Cricket Club and specifically their New Pavilion Fund. If anyone wishes to make a donation, cheques should made payable to 'The Chorleywood Cricket Club' and sent to - James Peddle Limited, 172 New Road, Croxley Green WD3 3HD.

May I take this opportunity to thank everyone for their kind words and support during this difficult time - it is much appreciated.

Posted by Robert Dunstone on 5th Feb 13

Bill FinchNew!
It is with great sadness that we have to announce the death earlier today of Club Patron and CWCC legend, Bill Finch.

We will announce funeral details once they are finalised, but in the meantime our thoughts and best wishes are with Bridget and the rest of the family at this very sad time.

Posted by Robert Dunstone on 30th Jan 13

On Sunday we will be unveiling the Ryan Evans Picture in the Club house Overseas Corner AND the Div 1 winning team photo ...why not join us in again celebrating last seasons sucess...I have a unique print of the #invincilbles team photo( one of Patrick finest) for is signed by Tom!!!..all procees to the club..why not bid for this piece of #cwccmemorabilia

Posted by Simon Dare on 28th Jan 13

Home Counties Premier LeagueNew!
Just to confirm that I have received official notification from the HCPL Chairman that we are accepted into the League for the coming season. I will pass the letter to Steve and post it on the noticeboard at HOTD on NYD when I hope we shall see you all for a Happy New Year drink and wish.

Posted by Owen Edis on 30th Dec 12

3rd and 4th XI CaptainsNew!
With winter nets just 6 weeks away, the plans for the 2013 season are coming together nicely. However, the Committee are still looking for candidates for the positions of 3rd XI and 4th XI Captain.

Those who are interested in taking on these roles should get in touch with Rohan Lee (Cricket Manager) and Tom Smithson (Club Captain) by Friday 11th January at the latest.

Posted by Rohan Lee on 28th Dec 12

Traditional Club sleeveless sweaters New!
I am going to order some club sweaters in traditonal style ( as modeled by Tom and I in the Chenies game photo 5/06/11 )...we have to place a bespoke order and they will cost £60 each...please let me know if you are interested (with your size requirement)

Posted by Simon Dare on 24th Dec 12

Home Counties Premier League 2013New!
The club has finally received informal notification from the Home Countie Premier League that our Saturday 1st XI has been accepted into Division 2 East for the 2013 season.

Further details will follow in due course.

League Structure on SHCL for 2013

Posted by Rohan Lee on 18th Dec 12

Paul GraverNew!
We are very sad to announce the death of CWCC Vice-President Paul Graver last Friday (7th December).

Paul was an O.M.T. and for many years a stalwart of Old Merchant Taylor cricket. As an opening fast bowler he took many wickets. On his retirements from playing he became an umpire and also helped prospective umpires by running training sessions. As an umpire for O.M.T.’s on Saturdays and Chorleywood on Sundays he was much admired and respected for his quiet and even-balanced control. Paul was also very involved with Nick Rice in founding the “Dukes Chess Valley League” on Sundays.

Everybody at the club would like to extend our sympathies to Paul's family at this very sad time.

Paul's funeral will be on Thursday 20th December at 1.20pm and will be held at the West Herts Crematorium, High Elms Lane, Garston. WD25 0JS

To recognise the care Paul received, any donations will be passed to the Watford Peace Hospice. Donations can be given at the funeral or sent to Macleans Funeral Home at 837 St Albans Road, Garston, Herts. WD25 0LH

Posted by Robert Dunstone on 12th Dec 12

Winter netsNew!
Here are the winter net bookings at St Clement Danes School

Colts: Saturdays from 12:30pm to 5pm on the following dates:

26th January 2013
2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd February 2013
2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd March 2013
6th and 13th April 2013
Eleven bookings

Seniors: Sundays from 5pm to 7pm

17th and 24th February 2012
3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th March 2012
7th and 14th April 2013
Eight bookings

Posted by Martin Tyler on 25th Nov 12

BREAKING NEWS - Guess Who Final Results!New!
After a recount we find a new winner, the marker failed to find answers written on the back of one entry on the night which means that Jamie Smithson recorded 13 correct matching player/celeb answers. If we add up all the correct individual answers the results show Jamie scoring 31 out of 36 to win the tie breaker over Lye/Dare/Fullerton/T. Smithson who as a combined team scored 30, well done Jamie.

Jeff O'Dwyer scored 12 correct double matches and 30 individual with all celebs correct and finishes 3rd overall just pipping Josh Ryan on 12 / 29. An upload of the comparisons with identities revealed will appear on the photo section in the near future.

Overall Results - Prize

1. Jamie Smithson, 13 correct doubles, 31 individual - 3 jugs of beer

2. Team Lye/Dare/Fullerton/T. Smithson 13 / 30 - 2 jugs of beer

3. Jeff O'Dwyer 12 / 30 - A jug of beer

4. Josh Ryan on 12 / 29; 5. Gary Proctor 12 / 28; 6. Rohan Lee 11 / 27; 7. Will Bryant 10 / 22; 8. Table of CWCC Top Brass 9 / 25; 9. Simon Moore 8 / 24; 10. Team Fowler/Pegler/Hardcastle/Wilson 7 / 25 - All celebs correct; 11. Vikash Patel 6 / 24 Had all the 36 names listed but in the wrong matches; 12. Rob Dunstone 6 / 23; 12. Tom Wilson 6 / 23; 13. Martin Tyler 6 / 21; 14. Mike Reeve 5 / 20;

Posted by Jonathan Rice on 14th Nov 12

Captains reportsNew!
Click here for the captains reports for the 2012 season from the AGM.

Posted by Martin Tyler on 8th Nov 12

CWCC Annual Awards DinnerNew!
Hi All,

The club's annual awards dinner at Chorleywood Golf Club is set for Friday 9th November. Cost is £30 per person and gets you a 3 course meal, some wine and the opportunity to catch up with your team mates. Dress code is jacket and club tie OR a suit. The evening starts at 7:30pm with the chance to have a few beers at the bar. Please would everyone be seated by 8pm.

Please let Johnny Rice know if you have any special dietary requirements. Final numbers will be given to the caterers on Wednesday so please let Johnny know by then if you would like to come.

Please make payments into the club's account: Natwest Bank, Sort Code 52-21-27, Account Number 01107623 and mark your payment with 'your name and Awards Dinner'. E-mail our Membership Secretary, Brian Mulholland at to inform him that you have made the transfer for the Awards Dinner.

If you wish to pay by cheque send it to Brian Mulholland at 16 Landford Close, Rickmansworth,Herts WD3 1NG.

Look forward to seeing everyone there.

Posted by Jonathan Rice on 5th Nov 12

Pavilion Open - This SundayNew!
This Sunday - between midday and 3-00pm our pavilion will be open for business for the first time this close-season.

The bar is fully stocked and there will be plentiful snacks available to all. Please do come along and join and hopefully we will have a great turnout to help keep our club up & running throughout the winter months.

Posted by Owen Edis on 2nd Nov 12

Anthony VosNew!
It is with great sadness that we have learnt of the death this morning of Anthony Vos. Anthony was a Vice-President of our club and supported us for many years as the owner of the Chorleywood Sports shop.

There will be a Memorial Service for Anthony at Christchurch (opposite CWCC on The Common)on Monday 12th November at 11-30am. All are welcome to come and celebrate Anthony's life.

Posted by Robert Dunstone on 31st Oct 12

Chairman's reportNew!
Here is Owen's report from the AGM last week. Click here

Posted by Martin Tyler on 29th Oct 12

Chorleywood CC AGM 2012New!
Our club's AGM will be held on Wednesday 24th October at 8-00pm. All club members are invited to come along and have your say on all things CWCC-related.

Obviously we have lots of matters to discuss regarding our club's future as well as a number of important roles to fill in the club's organisational structure, so please do put the date in your diary and come along to help plan our club's future.

Posted by Robert Dunstone on 3rd Oct 12

Organisation announcementNew!
Owen Edis, Club Chairman, announces the following changes:

Tom Smithson has announced his intention to stand down as Bar Manager. John Chadwick will take over this responsibilities.

Brian Mulholland has announced his intention to stand down as Membership Secretary. Simon Dare will take over his membership responsibilities.

Transition will take place over the next few months taking full effect by January 1st 2013.

Posted by Owen Edis on 30th Sep 12

End of season BBQ - this Saturday!New!
Don't forget that this Saturday sees our End of Season Barbecue - this will take place after the final League games of the season (and hopefully after the 1st XI have completed their "Invincible" season) so please do try and get down to our club and join in with all your fellow players to look back and celebrate the 2012 season with a couple of drinks and some excellent food (superbly cooked and served by Jeremy Hinds!!!).

Posted by Robert Dunstone on 6th Sep 12

Ryan Evans New!
As many of you know, Ryan Evans will be returning to his native Adelaide next week and this Saturday will be his final game for the club.

To help celebrate his two seasons with us - as 1st XI opening bowler, prolific duck accumulator, sight-screen painter and outstanding coach to our colts section - Ryan would like us all to join him from 7pm on Friday 31st for a BBQ and a few drinks at the club.

Please make sure you take the chance for one final drink with Ryan and to join us in thanking him for all his efforts for the club.

Posted by Rohan Lee on 28th Aug 12

I have finalised the teams for Sunday. There are only 6 teams this year so there will be a slight format change which will be unveiled on the day. Please would all teams arrived by 10AM so we can start as promptly as possible.

The Teams are as follows:

Snow White & The 6 Guns - J Rice, L Ryan, D Rice, W Pendered, A Orange, R Toms

Poms, Con & Kiwi - R Evans, J Hinds, F Dare, T Smithson, J Smithson, S Apsinal

Lush Us Locks - S Dunning, M Dunning, P Dunning, A Dunning, J Ryan, E Lye

Indianopolis Colts - Callum Neal, Johnny Bryer, Frazer Peglar, Dom Grant, David Gregory, Bexley 'The Machine' Andrew

The Spice Rack - D Harrigan, A Hall, J Van Dyke, V Patel, M Hodson, S Dey

Thunder Panthers - G Boorer, A Hodgkinson, J West, Kiwi 1, Kiwi 2, Kiwi 3

Mascot for the Day - Paddy Fullarton

However, if your name is not in a team please let me know and I will allocate you to a team.

Posted by Jonathan Rice on 23rd Aug 12

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