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About Chorleywood Cricket Club

Rules of Chorleywood Cricket Club Ltd | Application for membership | 50 Club | Code of Conduct


Chorleywood Cricket Club (CWCC) is a Company limited by guarantee and registered with the Community of Amateur Sports Clubs (CASC). It is affiliated to the England & Wales Cricket Board (ECB) and ECB CLUBMARK accredited. This has stringent requirements that are regularly reviewed by ECB, especially in relation to safeguarding children. The Club is also a member of the Club Cricket Conference.

CWCC belongs to the Herts County Cricket Association and plays in the Herts and Chess Valley Leagues. Our Club has a large thriving Juniors Section (Colts) where girls and boys are trained in the basic skills of cricket. Children are encouraged to develop their full natural ability as cricketers and some go on to play in the senior leagues.

CWCC welcomes all people and abilities. We aim to develop their skills to play and enjoy competitive cricket to a good standard. The Club provides excellent facilities for players of all ages from age six to adult playing members and for those interested in supporting Chorleywood Cricket as Social Members.

For more information on our Aims and Objectives see the Rules of Chorleywood Cricket Club Ltd

Importantly the Club needs to raise significant funds to pay for the new pavilion and for improvements required resulting from early experience of use. If you would like to make a donation to Chorleywood Cricket Club please refer to New Pavilion / Mission EmployAble Partners page that shows different methods of donating.

Senior Cricket

We have a large playing membership, with a number of junior teenage players progressing into our senior teams. Currently the Club enters a minimum of four senior teams in the Saracens Hertfordshire Cricket League on Saturdays throughout the summer. Our teams compete in four Divisions and strive for promotion each season. This provides good levels of competitive cricket for all who wish to play on a Saturday afternoon.

On Sundays, the club enjoys Sunday league cricket and friendly senior matches with neighbouring clubs. We also host T20 matches on the Common.

In the winter season, the club takes part in local Indoor Cricket Leagues.

Junior (Colts) Cricket - girls and boys

At Chorleywood, we are proud of our Colts structure. This provides an excellent environment for youngsters of all ages from 6 years old. Our focus is on helping them to experience the joys of cricket as well as to hone their cricketing skills. Both 8-a-side Pairs as well as 11-a-sde 20 over cricket is played depending on the age groups. Our Club team structure provides a pathway to playing for our senior teams, and a number of our colts have progressed to senior cricket in recent years. Qualified coaches and team managers (all DBS checked) provide advice and guidance for players of all standards to make the most of their abilities and to enjoy playing the marvellous game of cricket in a safe and friendly environment. Refer to the Colts website for much more information.

Parents support our Colts section through scoring, umpiring, coaching and managing. Also volunteering to serve at the Bar for Colts matches for families and visiting spectators. Training for all these roles is provided by the Club for those who willing to participate. We are always hopeful for more helpers so if you wish to take part, please get in touch with a member of the Management Team see under the Contacts tab.


It is important that all our members, both Playing and Social, can enjoy themselves by making full use of our excellent facilities. Chorleywood Common is a fantastic place to spend time watching cricket and there's always a great atmosphere in our clubhouse both during the games and when all the teams congregate after matches. There are a number of social functions run all year round such as quiz nights, race nights, an annual dinner/dance for all to enjoy. We have a Club Day on August Bank Holiday weekend when a competitive and fun fancy dress 6-a-side tournament is held, usually followed by a karaoke evening.

We also hold separate player award presentation evenings for Junior and Senior players at the end of each season. Early in each calendar year an Annual General Meeting is held to which all members are encouraged to attend.

Location / Contacts

In order to preserve Chorleywood Cricket Club as an important part of the local community we, with our partners Mission EmployAble (ME), share the use of an excellent two storey pavilion built in 2022. The rear part is devoted to a Café on The Common which is this charity's unique training café for empowering young adults of ages 19 to 25 with learning disabilities to become work ready and employable. The front part of the building provides a Clubroom and Bar on the ground floor. The upper floor includes three team changing rooms, an umpires changing room, a scorers office and a viewing balcony accessible from the landing and Home and Visitors changing rooms.

Please go to the Contacts page for more Location and Club contact details.

The Future

Go to the New Pavilion / Mission EmployAble Partners page.


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